Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce <p><em>Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education</em> is a peer-reviewed, open-access, scholarly journal that offers a critical space for the reflection and exchange of ideas on the creation, appropriation, and dissemination of historical knowledge and culture in both formal and non-formal educational settings. Seeking to enhance scholarly debates from both the scientific mainstream and beyond to support the accessibility and visibility of a variety of approaches, the journal seeks to particularly foster a transnational and cross-cultural dialogue as well as an interdisciplinary understanding between academics, scholarly traditions, ontologies, and epistemologies from diverse geographies and contexts. Connecting different domains of knowledge, the journal addresses theoretical and empirical questions, while also showcasing innovative methods that seek to generate new scholarly understandings, with the aim of creating a global community of academics who are mutually concerned with the promotion of sound scholarly work.</p> en-US monika.waldis@fhnw.ch (Monika Waldis) htce.ph@fhnw.ch (Julia Thyroff) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:56:40 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Crossing borders in history education https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce/article/view/1323 <p>The article was written in the aftermath of an international summer school held in Prague and St. Gallen in the context of the research and public history project “Train to Freedom” by St. Gallen University of Teacher Education, Charles University in Prague, and other partners. Students and teacher students from the involved universities developed didactical concepts for a virtual tour, a so-called “IWalk”, covering important chapters of the life of Holocaust survivor Petr Fiala, using excerpts of the testimony he gave to the USC Shoah Foundation in 1997 as well as historical photographs, maps, and archival documents. Fiala was one of the 1200 prisoners who boarded the “Train to Freedom” that brought them to Switzerland in February 1945. The aim of this hands-on student project was to develop an interactive educational tool for high school students and a wider public that conveys an actor-centered transnational migration history.</p> Helen Kaufmann, Thomas Metzger Copyright (c) 2024 Historical Thinking, Culture and Education http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce/article/view/1323 Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A call for different perspectives https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce/article/view/1317 <p>This miniature offers a provocation to consider both how and why the teaching of differing perspectives in history classrooms is undertaken in different nations and the relationship this has with citizenship in liberal democracies. Drawing on some initial survey data from Australian history teachers, the authors highlight the inconsistent understanding of the concept of perspective and the pressing need to maintain a focus on different perspectives at a time when far-right conservativism seeks to establish a monovocal grand narrative that returns to a ‘history of the victors’ approach to the detriment of multicultural, democratic societies.</p> Alison Bedford, Naomi Barnes Copyright (c) 2024 Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://eterna.unibas.ch/htce/article/view/1317 Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000