Working Paper 48: A collaborative approach to improve business integrity in ASEAN

Case studies of anticorruption Collective Action in the region


  • Lucie Binder Basel Institute on Governance; University of Basel
  • Vanessa Hans Basel Institute on Governance; University of Basel
  • Anna Stransky Basel Institute on Governance; University of Basel


This working paper provides an overview and analysis of anti-corruption Collective Action case studies in the ASEAN region. It builds on the 2014 paper: Collective Action against Corruption: Business and Anti-Corruption Initiatives in ASEAN, which was published by the ASEAN CSR Network and the Asian Institute of Management.

This 2023 paper reviews the initiatives featured in the 2014 paper and highlights new initiatives that have emerged in the region since then. It covers:

  • Indonesia: Indonesia Business Links
  • Malaysia: Corporate Integrity System Malaysia
  • Philippines: Integrity Initiative and project SHINE
  • Thailand: Collective Action Against Corruption
  • Thailand: Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand
  • Vietnam: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry and its Office for Business

The analysis identifies several success factors, while noting that Collective Action is a flexible approach that can and must be tailored to different contexts.

Cover page of Working Paper 48




How to Cite

Binder, L., Hans, V. and Stransky, A. (2024) “Working Paper 48: A collaborative approach to improve business integrity in ASEAN: Case studies of anticorruption Collective Action in the region”, Basel Institute on Governance Working Papers, (48), p. 36. doi: 10.12685/bigwp.2023.48.36.